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On Demand

Crooked Man & Fascia

Total Credits: 1 including 1 DC CE

Alan C. Smith, DC, FICPA
Audio and Video


Fascia can be understand through the five primary kinetic chains. In this 1-hour webinar, Dr. Smith will discuss the five primary kinetic chains and what they are and empower the practitioner to understand them and how to apply crooked man for the patient. (This course was pre-recorded and may make reference to the original live event.)  Sponsored by Foot Levelers.

Access to on demand products expires on the last day of the calendar year.  They must be viewed/completed within the calendar year in which they are purchased.



Alan C. Smith, DC, FICPA's Profile

Alan C. Smith, DC, FICPA Related Seminars and Products

Dr. Alan Smith is a talented and accomplished Doctor of Chiropractic with extensive background in nutrition, management, chiropractic consulting, and business operations with proven ability to establish and grow highly successful practices coupled with exceptional presentation, reporting, and communication skills.